Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/243

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The First North Carolina Volunteers. 23*7

the highest importance since taking the field to the present moment. My thanks, too, are due in an especial manner to Lieutenanant J. M. Poteat, adjutant, and Lieutenant J. M. Ratchford, aide both of them cadets of the North Carolina Military Institute at Charlotte. The latter received a contusion in the forehead from a grape-shot, which nearly cost him his life. Captain Bridgers, Compang A; Lieu- tenant Owens, commanding Company B ; Captain Ross, Company C; Captain Ashe, Company D ; Captain McDowell, Company E; Captain Starr, Company F; Captain Avery, Company G; Captain Huske, Company H ; Lieutenant Whittaker, commanding Company I; Captain Hoke, Company K, displayed great coolness, judgment and efficiency. Lieutenant Gregory is highly spoken of by Major Lane for soldierly bearing on the 8th. Lieutenants Cook and Mc- Kethan, Company H, crossed over under a heavy fire to the assist- ance of the troops attacked on the left. So did Lieutenant Cohen, Company C. Lieutenant Hoke has shown great zeal, energy and judgment as an engineer officer on various occasions.

Corporal George Williams, Privates Henry L. Wyatt, Thomas Fallan, and John Thorpe, Company A, volunteered to burn the house which concealed the enemy. They behaved with great gallantry. Wyatt was killed and the other three were recalled.

Sergeant Thomas J. Stewart and Private William McDowell, Com- pany A, reconnoitered the position of the enemy, and went far in advance of our troops. Private J. W. Potts, of Company B, is spe- cially mentioned by his company commander ; so are Sergeant Wil- liam Elmo, Company C ; Sergeants C. L. Watts, W. H. McDade, Company D ; Sergeant J. M. Young, Corporal John Dingier, Pri- vates G. H. A. Adams, R. V. Gudger, G. W. Werley, John C. Wright, T. Y. Little, J. F. Jenkins, Company E ; R. W. Stedman, M. E. Dye, H. E. Benton, J. B. Smith, Company F ; G. W. Buh- mann, James C. McRae, Company H.

Casualties. Private Henry L. Wyatt, Company A, mortally wounded ; Lieutenant J. W. Ratchford, contusion ; Private Council Rodgers, Company H, severely wounded ; Private Charles Williams, Company H, severely wounded ; Private S. Patterson, Company D, slightly wounded ; Private William White, Company K, wounded ; Private Peter Poteat, Company G, slightly wounded.

I cannot close this too elaborate report without speaking in the highest terms of admiration of the Howitzer battery and its most accomplished commander, Major Randolph. He has no superior as an artillerist in any country, and his men displayed the utmost skill