Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/251

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The First North Carolina Volunteers. 245

CAMP FAYETTEVILLE, September 9, 1861.

The officers and men of the First Regiment, North Carolina Vol- unteers, gratefully acknowledge the kind remembrance in which the ladies of Fayetteville have held them.

No proof was needed to any Southern soldier that Southern women possess as well the zeal and patriotism which prompted such a gift, as the taste and skill which its workmanship displays.

It is much, however, in alleviation of the necessary hardships of the service, far the greatest of which is the separation from our homes, and the fair spirits which minister there, to know that we are not for- gotten, but that the pure and lovely women, whom it is our greatest glory to protect, are mindful of us in our absence.

Something, perhaps, the regiment has done; more, if the oppor- tunity occurs, it will gladly do, to justify, if possible, the estimation which this gift evinces.

The fair donors may rest assured that the regiment will return with the flag to North Carolina, if the regiment itself returns.

CHARLES C. LEE, Colonel, For the First Regiment.

[From Richmond (Va.) Dispatch, September 14, 1861.]


September u, 1861.

The facility and dispatch with which you get off the latest news makes your paper a very acceptable visitor to our camp, and I there- fore presume upon your columns for an item.

General D. H. Hill having taken command of his brigade, an election was held for field-officers of the First North Carolina Regi- ment Volunteers. Lieutenant-Colonel C. C. Lee was elected colonel; Major James H. Lane, lieutenant colonel,* and Lieutenant R. F. Hoke, of Company K, major, with singular unanimity.

  • Lieutenant-Colonel Lane was soon after unanimously and unexpectedly

to himself elected colonel of the Twenty-eighth North Carolina, Infantry. Upon severing his honored connection with the First Regiment, its officers in testimony of their regard for him socially and officially, presented him with a handsome sword, saddle and bridle, and two pieces of silver plate.