Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 19.djvu/42

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36 Southern Historical Society Papers.

As it is impossible to present it in fac simile, it is given below in cold type, and it may prove of interest to the survivors of the life at Fort Delaware or to their descendants, should they be no longer with us.

Here it is :


Et temps et lieu.



In presenting to the public our first edition of the Prison Times we are aware that there will be many criticisms. As public journal- ists we intend to steer clear of all personalities, unless of a pleasant nature. Nothing political will be indulged in.

We will on all points of public interest speak candidly, as the interest of the public is our own.

Public improvements, the fine arts, advancement of literature, thorough school system we are advocates of all these, and will do all we can to promote the interests of each.

We have secured the services of able 'gentlemen as correspond- ents. We feel assured their contributious will be perused with pleasure. In our miscellaneous columns we will have extracts from authors which will be interesting and edifying. In our poetical col- umn will be found gems from celebrated authors, male and female, whose reputation is becoming known ; so far as we can we will pub- lish selections that have not appeared in print.

We intend to make the Times a good advertising medium. We ask the support of a liberal community.

Our terms are moderate. Manufacturers will find it to their interest to give us a trial.

"We are literally immersed in business," as the fellow said when he was giving a swimming lesson.


An Ancient Toast. It was a grand day in the old chivalric time, the wine circling around the board in a noble hall,' and the sculptured walls rang with sentiment and song. The lady of each knightly