Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 22.djvu/183

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Qffieera of Army of '/'< t<, .<*ee. 171

BAXTER, JOHN SPRINGS, Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War, August 1 6, '62, to rank from September, '62, to report to Colonel Colquitt, 46th Georgia Regiment, Aug. 31, '63, 46th Georgia Regiment, Sept. 30, '63,46th South Carolina Regiment, Oct. 31, '63, 46th Georgia Regiment, Nov. 30, '63, 46th Georgia Regiment, Dec. 31, '63, 46th Georgia Regiment, Jan. 31, '64, 4&th Georgia Regi- ment, Headquarters A. T., Dalton, March 10, '64. March 31, "64, 46th Georgia Regiment, April 3Oth, '64, 46th Georgia Regiment.

BRASHEAR, A. B., Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War, June 13, '63, to rank from Oct. 14, '62, reported to B. B. Jan. 29, '64. Appointment, returned to Surgeon-General.

BALDWIN, R. T., Assistant Surgeon to S. B. B.. Sept. 30, '63, 43d Alabama Regiment, Oct. 31, '63, 43d Alabama Regiment.

BRUMBTELL, W. H., Surgeon, Sept. 30, '63, 63d Virginia Regi- ment, Headquarters A. T., Nov. 18, '63. Dec. 31, '63, 63d Virginia Regiment, Jan. 31, '64, 63d Virginia Regiment, Head- quarters A. T., Dalton, Feb. 20, '64, ordered to report to S. H. Stout, Medical Director of Hospitals.

BAILEY, A. W., Surgeon, Sept. 30, '63, Palmetto S. S.

BAGNALL, R. D., Assistant Surgeon, Sept. 30, '63, 2oth Georgia Regiment.

BRANCH, S., Assistant Surgeon, Sept. 30, '63, 3d South Carolina Battalion. Left with wounded at Gettysburg.

BAXLEY. WM. H., Assistant Surgeon, com'd, Richmond, Dec. 14, '63. Ordered to report to A. J. F., Medical Director, Dalton, Jan. 27, '64, ordered to report to Major Robertson, commanding Reserve Artillery, Jan. 31, '64.

BASSETT, H. W., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War to rank from April 7, '63, to report to General Gardner, passed Board at Vicksburg, April 7, '63. Nov. 30, '63, 2d Alabama Regiment, April 30, '64, 52d Georgia Regiment.

BARNES, BENJ. S., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary War, Feb. 5, '63, to rank from Oct. 26, '61, to report to General Withers, passed Board Mobile, Dec., '61. Nov. 30, '63, 46th and 55th Tennessee Regiments, Jan., '64, transferred with com- mand from Department.

BARNES, JAMES F., Assistant Surgeon. Surgeon W. H. Gall says this is an enlisted man. Nov. 3, '63, Hercules Battery.

BAILEY, T. P., Assistant Surgeon, appointed by Secretary of War Dec. 4th to take rank Aug. 19, '62. Dec. 31, '62, loth S. C. Regiment.