Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/180

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176 Southern Historical Society Papers.

victory cheers on our brave boys. But suddenly and strangely a halt is ordered, and the command marched from vigorous pursuit in the direction of the town. The whole army is massing in the vicinity of the courthouse and see, there are Federal officers riding in the midst of Confederates, while on the neighboring hills and passing swiftly to the right, go hundreds of Federal cavalry, frantic with huzzas. Can it be? Ah, yes, the stacked arms, broken ranks, furled banners and weeping soldiers, proclaim the surrender of Lee's proud army.

Dr. R. J. Hicks, now of Warranton, Virginia, who was a faithful surgeon to the 23rd, all through the war, says of the regiment:

" It did as much hard service, fought in as many battles, was as constant in the performance of duty as any other regiment in the army. And at Appomattox," says Dr. Hicks, "it surrendered about as many men as any other regiment in the army. ' '

By the Appomattox "parole lists," taken from the last volume of the "Rebellion Records," it is shown that Johnston's brigade, at the surrender, numbered 463 men, rank and file. At that time, the brigade was commanded by Colonel J. W. Lea.

We close this paper with the addition of the following statistics, taken from the source above indicated, with reference to North Car- olina soldiers surrendered at Appomattox: Total, forty-two regi- ments and one battalion infantry; five regiments and one battalion cavalry, and five battalions artillery. That all these should have numbered only 5,022 rank and file, at the surrender, says the Wil- mington Messenger, shows the wear and tear North Carolina troops had sustained. First and last, by the muster rolls, these commands had contained over 100,000 men.