Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/287

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Tin- Second A'o. /,//,/,/, /to//, 283

I.. D. Krrr, W. I). Krrr. L. T. Leech, J. G. Leech, PrMm Law- home, William Lawhorne, William M. Long, William Lovegrove,

J. LucKvirk, J. C. Lynn, Moore, J. A. Mann, Nat. Moran,

Dudley Morris, S. S. Miller, D. L. Miller, John Miller, R. S. Miller, J. P. Meeks, Thomas N. McCormick, William T. McCrory, Ed. H. M>'Crory, James H. McCown, Thomas P. McDowell, William W. McGuffin, S. R. McGuffin, Thomas P. McManama, Robert McNutt, David A. Ott, L. O' Brian, William Orcnbaun, James H. Painter, A. J. Paul, Wm. D. Patterson, Wm. A. Patterson, John Patterson, S. D. Paxton.Jas. T. Paxton, Jas. P. Paxton, John Paxton, Wm. H. Paxton, James H. Paxton, Thomas Paxton, Sam. Patter, John Pearl, William Pugh, James H. Pugh, John W. Risk, James P. Risk, Dabney Ramsey, William H. Selvey, Franklin Shewey, Wil- liam C. Shields, Franklin Shaver, Cooke Sloan, Alfred F. Sly, Adol- phus Sly, William A. Smiley, John B. Smiley, Joseph Sorrels, Geo. Sorrels, James E. Steele, Arch. W. Strickler, J. Ed. Taylor, Joseph Taylor, George W. Taylor, William P. Templeton, Benjamin Tem- pleton, Job Thorn, R. R. Tribbett, F. M. Tribbett, Matthew Vess, C. D. Vess, Albright Wallace, Ed. Wallace, J. W. Wallace, George White, Robert White, I. M. White, John White, J. W. Whitesel. E. M. Wiseman, James A. Wine, John A. Wilson, S. W. Wilson, Joseph M. Wilson, J. Womeldorf, George Wood and Cyrus With- ers.


Killed J. H. McCown, Alleghany Mountain, December 12, 1861; W. P. Templeton and J. Ludwick, Cross Keys, June 8, 1862; Adol- phus Sly, Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863; Preston Lawhorn and Robert Coffey, Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863; George Hoyle- man, William J. Bartlett, and George White, Gettysburg, July 3, 1863; Cyrus Goolsby, Thomas N. McCormick, and John T. Ford, Petersburg, July 30, 1864; John L. Drayboud, James T. Paxton, Franklin Shaver, and Lieutenant Samuel Wallace, Petersburg, April 2, 1865.

Died from Wounds W. H. Paxton, wounded at Strasburg, June

i, 1862; Houcher, wounded at Cross Keys, June 8, 1862;

James P. Risk, wounded at Bristoe Station, October 14, 1863; James B. Culton, wounded at Bristoe Station, October 14, 1865; A. J. Griffin, wounded at Alleghany Mountain, December 12, 1861; - Gaylor, Cross Keys, June 8. 1862.