Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/318

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314 Suntln rn Hixtnririil Society Papers.

of what was to be done in the morning. Removing the cap from his face, he said: " They won't be there in the morning," nor were they.

One morning, while marching with his staff, he stopped at the door of a farm-house. A gentle-looking woman was in the porch, with a little child at her knee, of whom he requested a drink of water. She promptly handed him a stone jug of cool and fresh water, which he quaffed like a horse. One of his staff asked the good woman to "give me a drink of that water, please." She emptied the pitcher upon the ground, went into the house and brought out a white pitcher, from which she gave the captain a drink. "Why did you not give it from the other pitcher?" asked the officer. " Oh," she said, " No man's lips shall ever again drink from that pitcher. ' '


Again, while marching on to some new victory, he halted by a farm-house, whence a young mother came out into the road, with her young child in her arms, and said: "General, won't you bless my child ? " He took the little infant in his arms, and reverently raising it, with uncovered head, prayed for God's blessing upon it.

In the battle of Kernstown he was worsted by General Shields (one of the noblest of the Federal commanders). Because of the Confederates' ammunition being all exhausted, General Dick Gar- nett withdrew his troops. Jackson arrested Garnett, one of the truest and highest gentlemen in our army, and held him in arrest until Garnett, by personal influence, procured a trial by court-martial. Jackson was the principal witness for the prosecution. The court acquitted Garnett, after hearing Jackson's testimony, and only per- mitted the defence to be spread upon the record on Garnett' s demand that, after such unusual and conspicuous severity, it was his right.

Poor Garnett fell in front of his brigade in the great charge at Gettysburg. He was mourned throughout our army, for a braver and gentler gentleman never died in battle.


While a professor of the Virginia Military Institue, Jackson ar- rested and caused a distinguished cadet to be dismissed for an infrac- tion of the regulations. That cadet was distinguished as a scholar