Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 25.djvu/390

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Hare, Lt.. killed. 357. Hare's Hill, Battle of, 175 Harpers' Ferry, Capture of, 254. Harris, Col. David Bullock, 6. Harrison, Capt. C. Shirley. 139, 285. Hatcher s Run Battle of, 175. Hayes, R. B., 163, 331. Hensley, Major J. O., 139. Hill, Gen. A. P., 255. Hill, Gen. D. H., 107, 156. Hill. Major J. C., 14. Hobson, Col. Edwin L., 105. Hoke, Col. W J.,258, 261. Holmes, Gen. T H , 4, 215. Hopkins, George, 377. Howlelts. Charge at, 12. Hunter, R. M. T., Sketch of, 193. Hyman, Col. J. H., 263.

Iverson, Gen. Alfred, 165.

Jackson, Gen. T. J., His Career and Character, 91; his corps, English estimate of, 92: fatal wounding of, 256; incidents in his life at West Point, 309 ; in a duel, 312 ; death of, 328.

Jenkins, Gen. M , 7. ohnson, Gen B. R., 13, 19, 90. Johnson, Gen. B. T., 173.

} ohnson, Gen. Edward. 170. ohnston, Gen. Joseph E., 154, 157, 161 ; his ne- gotiations with Sherman, 272. Jones, Lt.-Co!., killed, 9. Jordan, Col. R. D., 166. Jordan, Surgeon, killed, 165. Jordan, Capt. Wm , 17.

Kemper, Col. Del., 7. Kernstown, Battle of 314. Knight, Capt. J. S., killed, 166. Knox, Myra E., 323.

Lamb, Hon. John, 208.

Laughton, Jr., Capt. John E., 347.

Lee Camp. No. i., C. V., 91.

Lee, Gen. Fitzhugh, 276.

Lee, Gen. G. W. Custis, 38, 286.

Lee, Gen. R. E , Surrender of, 300; Birthday

of, observed, 354 Lee, Stephen D., 103. Lee, Gen. W. H. F , 277. Leigh, Benj. Watkins, 187. Lewis, R. B., 351. Lincoln, Abraham, 69, 380. Lyons, Capt. J. L., 184.

McClellan, Gen. G. B., 154.

McCrady, Col Edward, 237.

McDowell, Miss Lillie, 281.

McGowan, Gen. Satn'l, 211.

Magruder, Gen. J. B., 154, 217.

McGuire, Dr. Hunter, 91.

Mclntire, Adj't D. N., 257.

McLaws, Gen Fayette, 101.

Mahone, Gen. Win., 82.

McLaughlin, Maj. M. McR., 257.

McRae, Col. D. K., 153, 157, 164.

McRae, Gen. Wm., 339.

McRae, Capt., killed, 257.

Malvern Hill, Battle of, 95, 160, 183, 208, 212.

Manassas, Battle of, 4.

Marshall, Col. E. G., 78.

Marigny, Col. M,, 182.

Maryland Campaign, The, 226.

Mason, Hon. J. M., Tribute to, 186.

Maury, Gen. D. H , 45, 309.

Mechanicsville, Battle of, 160. 249.

Miller, Walter L., 60.

Monocacy, Battle of, 174.

Morris Island, 131. Six hundred Confederates-

under Fire on ; their hardships, 365. Mosby's Men, Hanging of by Gen. Custer, 939.

N. C. Infantry, History and officers of the 23d, 151 ; 381)1, 245, badges to for gallantry, 257 ; 44th, 334.

N. C. Forces in the C. S. Army, 343.

Page, Col. Powhatan R., 5, 7; killed, 14.

Page, Thomas Nelson, 382.

Parks, Capt. R. S., Address of, 356.

Pegram, Gen. John, killed, 175.

Pender's Brigade, 249, 259.

Perrin. Col. Abner. 17.

Petersburg, Operations before in 1864, 10 ;

Slaughter at in 1864, 222, 345. Petigru, James Louis, Sketch of, 55. Pettigrew, Gen. J. J , 337, 338. Pickett. Gen. Geo. E., 288. Pratt. G. Julian, 382. Prentiss, Sergeant S., Sketch of, 23. Private Soldier, The, Address by Hon. R. T.

Bennett, 302.

Reams' Station, Battle of, 261, 341. Richmond, Va., Burning of, April, 3, 1865, 135,

267 ; Retreat from, 135, 139, 285, 332. Rion, Maj. Jas. H., 223. Rockbridge 2d Battery, Its Roster and Career,


Rockbridge 2d Dragoons. Roster & Record, 177- Rogers, Colonel George T., 84.

Sailor's Creek, Battle of, 17, 39, 139; C. S. A.

prisoners at, 143. Sansom, Miss Emma, 45. Saunders, General J. C. C., 84. Sehitnmelfinnig, General Alex., 8. Semmes, Hon. T. J., Reminiscences of, 317. Semple, Major H. <_:., 321. Seven Days' Battles, 161. Seven Pines, Battle of. 157, 158, 208, 215. Sharpsburg, Battle of, 95, 106, 164. Shenandoah, Career and Officers of, 116. Shepherdstown, Battle of, 254. Signal Corps, c. S. A., The, 130. Slaves, Proclamation freeing them, 378. Slide]], Hon. John, ipi. Smith, General G. W., 158, 222. Smith, General W. F., 5, 13. Soldiers of 200 years, The greatest, 92. Southanna Bridge, Battle of, 337. South Carolina, Operations in, 1863-4, 7. South, Life in the, before 1861, 324. South Mountain Gap, Battle of, 162. South, Righteous Cause of the, 357. Spinola Family, The. 188. Spotsylvania C. H., Battle of, 170, 261, 340. Sprunt, Hon. James, 378. Starke, Colonel A. W , 3,4. Stedman, Charles M., 334. Stewart, Colonel W. H., 77, 285. Stiles, Major Robert, 39. Strange, Major James, 135. Streight, Colonel A. D., Capture of, 45. Stribling. Robert M., 67. Sumter, Fort, 131. Sussex Light Dragoons, Roll of, 273.

Tabb, Colonel W. B., 3, 17.

Taft. A. W , 130.

Thomas, Hon. W. M., 222.

Tilman, Heroism of Color- Bearer, 345.

Tupper, Lieutenant F., killed, 42.

Turner, Lieutenant J. M., 41.

Tyler, President John, 321.

Tyrrell, Henry, 77.