Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 26.djvu/265

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"And now atmleth Faith, Hope, Charity, these three; but the greatest of these is Charity! " / Corinthians, .viii, /j.

[In this hastily put-together and crude offering, free use has been made of current relevant publications in the Richmond Dispatch.

It is humbly felt, that in the exemplication adduced, the premises are inherently sustained. ED.]

The dawn of Friday, January 6th, 1899, brought with it to the people of Richmond, Va., the knowledge of an event, which in the heart of every one, was as a public calamity; and the occasion of grief to all.

The animating spark of the so-endeared citizen and minister " Doctor Hoge," had passed gently to God who gave it, at twenty minutes past two o'clock. His death was not unexpected, but, it was not the less sorrowful.

Scarce ever, has the rubric gem "Faith, Hope, Charity," been more impressively and touchingly exemplified in man, and in not another, have the elementary virtues, it is felt, more abounded.

Indeed, words seem at fault, and inadequate to depict a life so benignant, so beneficent.

It was one, in its purity, devotion and absence of thought of self not often realized in such harmonious grandeur of simple blessed- ness.

His adoration of, and his humble submission to every dispensa- tion of The Omnipotent was sublime as the trust of a little child.

He was upheld in every visitation of seeming calamity; and there was no cloud in life to him, that had not its silver lining, whate'er the gloom of its cast.

His tender and expansive heart was eager in its response to every cry of woe, to all knowledge of want, and suffering, 'was, to him, as an atoning mantle for human fraility.

Still, he desired not that the world know of what was his para- mount enjoyment.

Constant was his succor of the needy, and the effects of his bene- factions may never be measured.