Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/292

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286 Xoiiilitni Historical Nor/V/// /'<tj>ers.

me he had raised in two days a company of eighty men, and they wanted to be on the field in one week from the day he began. At Conyers they have raised the sixth company in Newton county. In Merriweather they raised three companies of eighty men in three days and $7,000 to equip them. Similar news comes up from the whole country.

At West Point yesterday afternoon a large crowd assembled at the cars, and had speeches from Keitt, Brooks (of Mississippi), Ben Hill and Gus Wright. They called on me, but I declined on the ground it was Sunday, and took occasion to give them a five minute's lecture on Sabbath-breaking. It was the only speech that was not cheered. There is a good deal of talk about going to Richmond. I would not be surprised if the whole Government were moved there as soon as the Virginia delegates arrive and join us. The President favors it decidedly. I sent you a copy of his message. It is a capital document.

The opinion is pretty general here that we shall have to take Washington City, but many are of the decided opinion that there will be no war. Howell insists that this is the true view of the matter.

Frank Bartow says the Savannah companies are outraged at Gov- ernor Brown, who refuses to call any of them into service. They are offering themselves direct to Davis, who has agreed to accept them and put them into the field. Bartow wants to form a regi- ment and lead them himself. Henry Jackson wants to do the same. He is determined to go into the war. I am trying to get the Secre- tary of War to order the Troup Artillery away from Tybee before the summer begins. Here, again, Brown interferes, in refusing to to permit the cannon to leave the State. Davis holds Brown in great contempt. He says he is the only man in the seven States who has persistently thwarted him in every endeavor to carry out the policy of the Government. Howell has written positively refusing, under any circumstances, to accept any civil office.

April 30. Yesterday I signed the permanent Constitution of the Confederate States of America, and have thus perfected my "rebel- lion." I trust that my children may hereafter recur with pride to it, whether by others I am canonized a saint or hung as a traitor.

The Secretary of War is filling the army with inexperienced boys while he is disgusting the real military men of the country. Gene- ral Walker, of Augusta, has written saying he couldn't stand on military etiquette any longer and authorized me to tender his services