Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/299

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is much bad blood among these high officers, jr.ilmisirs and back- bitings. I never heard Magruder abuse but one man and that was Hill.

June 17. I am sick of the despicable favoritism here. My cav- alry are doing nearly all the picketing, but when Stuart wants to make a brilliant and daring exploit he takes some of the Potomac pets and never lets us know his intentions until he returns in triumph to Richmond.

June 21. Brisk cannonading has been going on from both sides. Eight men in the 8th Georgia Regiment were sitting around playing cards when a shell fell in their midst, killing four and wounding three others. Generally shells do little harm. Several bursted over me this afternoon as I returned from Stuart's headquarters, but did not even frighten my horse.

June 21. Wright has been made Brigadier-General. Hal Billups becomes Lieutenant-Colonel of the 3rd Georgia. Wright deserves the promotion and I am glad he got it.

June 24. Affairs are drawing to a crisis here. A general battle cannot be postponed long. There is no doubt that Stonewall Jack- son's army is near Richmond to join us in the attack.

(The seven days' fight occurred at this time.)

July 3. I got hold of a Yankee candle and camp candle-stick to- day, and though I am very tired, I don't know when I will get another chance to write. The battle is about over. The enemy has retreated in good order. Their loss is very heavy. Their army is whipped, but nor cowed. They fight well to the last, and their discipline is admirable. My battalion brought in fifty prisoners and a great number of arms. It is nine days since we left our camp. We have had a hard time of it sometimes thirty-six hours without a morsel to eat, and all the time nothing but what we captured from the enemy. So it has been a feast or a famine.

July 5. Evidences of the retreat of the Yankees are very pro- fuse all along the road dead horses, broken wagons, cast-off arms and clothing, sick soldiers deserted, strew the way. I have had about 2,000 guns picked up and sent to Richmond, and there are wagon loads of ammunition, engineering instruments, tents, knap- sacks, etc. We have captured hundreds of horses and mules, and are picking up stragglers every day. Old Magruder made no repu- tation in this battle. He lost rather than gained. He was depressed, and I fear was drinking.