Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/370

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364 Southern Historical Society Papers.

and then, too. our whole front was obscured by a heavy growth of trees, which aided by the fact that this firing usually occurred early in the morning (before light), causing you to leave your " fly-tent/' was anything but pleasant. It was here, in company with W. D. S. , a member of the battery, that we had a narrow escape. Immediately in rear of our guns was a spring, which we had just reached, and were in the act of sousing clown the bucket when suddenly a shell from a mortar thrown by the enemy dropped into the aforesaid spring, to the great consternation of my friend as well as myself.

That certainly was a villainous mode of warfare. It was amusing, though, to hear the boys sing out: " Here she comes; " " lie down;" "grab a root," etc., and such a commotion it would cause. No one appeared to be safe. Several men were killed while lying in their tents. I never want to see such instruments of death at work again.

And, now, I have to chronicle the death of Thomas Emmett, who was killed here. It occurred early in the morning just after day- break. Emmett was a gallant soldier, as well as a quiet and intelli- gent, modest man. He was killed instantly by a piece of shell while serving in his usual position at the gun No. 3. We buried him a short distance in rear of the works. His body was subsequently, I believe, taken up and carried to Winchester, his home, and rein- terred.

After remaining here on the north side of the Appomattox some 'ten days more, we were hurriedly moved across the river and through Petersburg to meet General Hancock, of the Federal army, com- manding the Second Corps, who was endeavoring to cut the South- side railroad, and thus cutoff our communications with the southern country. We ntet the enemy, after a forced march, near the Davis House, as it was then called, some twelve miles or more south of Petersburg, and after a sharp fight drove him back upon his main line. We soon received orders to return to the lines, which then extended nearly to Burgess' Mill, and were on the way when we were ordered to redouble our pace, as the enemy were to spring the mine on the Petersburg line in which they had labored for so long a time.

We have here another illustration of the truth of the poet, Burns, "The best laid schemes of men and mice," &c. , for it seems that, more than one Federal general was disgruntled, and that there was some strong language used by the officers one to another, and the report of the congressional committee on the conduct of the war