Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 28.djvu/387

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to the chair, and read a most beautiful and comprehensive report of the origin and work of her association, "The Confederate Memorial Association of New OrK-ans. La."

A Committee on Constitution and By-Laws was then appointed, consisting of Miss Julia A. Garside, Chairman; Mrs. Joseph D. Davis, Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel, Mrs. N. V. Randolph, alternate; Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, Mrs. W. J. Behan by request.

This organization is to be known as " The Confederated Southern Memorial Association ;" its object, " Memorial and Historical."


The Confederate Southern Memorial Association was called to order by the President. Mrs. W. J. Behan. at 9:30 A. M., May 3ist. Mrs. Sarah Polk Blake was unanimously elected historian for the Association. The report of the Committee on Constitution and By- Laws was next voted on by sections, and adopted as a whole.

Mrs. N. V. Randolph made a beautiful and touching appeal to the Association in behalf of the Jefferson Davis monument, asking that this Confederated Association assist the U. D. C. in building this memorial. A hearty response was given and the Association pledged to assist in the work. On motion of Mrs. Lewis Graham it was asked that a published account be given by the Treasurer of the Davis Monument Fund of the amounts already subscribed by the different cities and States, now in the hands of the Treasurer of the fund at Richmond, Va. The motion was carried and Mrs. Ran- dolph stated that two books would be kept, one for the contributions of the U. D. C., the other for the Southern Memorial Association.

An invitation was extended by Mrs. Basil Duke to the Associa- tion to attend a reception to be given at the Gait House from 4 to 6 P. M., in honor of Mrs. Addison Hayes, Miss Varina Howell Davis Hayes, and Mrs. Weed, of Florida.

Adjourned to meet at 10 A. M. the following day.

June i, 1900.

Before the hour appointed for the next meeting a communication was received by the President stating that an opportunity would be given " The Confederated Memorial Association" to present their memorial to General Gordon and the veterans at the Reunion Hall. Therefore the meeting was postponed until 4 P. M.

The President and delegates attended the meeting of veterans in