Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 29.djvu/167

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North Carolina Troops. 151

any suggestions you have to make regarding the public defence. I recommend him to the attention of yourself and the commandant of Fort Macon."

The same day a letter was written Marshall Parks at Norfolk, say- ing Winslow would call on him and give a verbal reply to a letter which Parks had written the Governor. The last entry in this inter- esting book is to Governor Letcher, of Virginia, and says: "This will be handed you by my confidential aide, Hon. W. Winslow, who will have communication with you upon public matters of interest to our respective governments. He is charged, also, with a request to you to supply us with such cannon as you may have to spare and may be desirable to us."

NOTE. It will be seen that the State had up to April 23d 30,000 rifles (Springfields, calibre 58, mainly), seized in the Fayetteville arsenal; there were 2,000 in the hands of the militia, 1,648 in the depository at New Berne; 360 were drawn from the United States; three light batteries taken with the Fayetteville arsenal; 280 rifles, 500 revolvers, 150,000 pounds of lead, 300 sabres, 100,000 rifle car- tridges, and 5,000,000 percussion caps, all bought in New York; 4 Columbiads from Richmond, and 20,000 pounds cannon powder and 2,500 pounds musket powder, brought from Dupont & Co., Wilmington, Del. The governor also secured a lot of cannon seized at the Norfolk navy-yard."