Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 31.djvu/291

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History of Crenshaw Battery. 283

actually drove the enemy from their guns there was no charging (in our front) to capture them by infantry; we captured them a thing that did not occur on any other field during the war. The Crenshaw Battery was awarded two of the captured guns.

Hooker defeated, another idol shattered by Lee, we were destined to meet a new commander of the army of the Potomac when we came up again with our old-time enemy. General Meade had suc- ceeded Hooker. With a rest from fighting from the 3d of May until the ist of July, we headed for the Potomac for the second time. Once over that stream, what a refreshing sight from the devastated fields of Virginia to the green fields of Maryland and Pennsylvania, for we were en route to


We were greeted all along the route with remarks of all kinds from the ladies, some of them not very complimentary. But the " boys " kept their temper and laughed them off.

Pegram's Battalion (of which the Crenshaw Battery was a part) marched behind the whole army into Pennsylvania, but when we got near the enemy it was hurried to the front, and we fired the first gun in the battle of Gettysburg, Braxton keeping down the Em- mittsburg pike, and the Crenshaw turning to the right and opening almost simultaneously. Not only did we open the fight, but we bore a conspicuous part in all three days' fighting, particularly in the terrific two-hours' cannonade to shake the enemy's infantry that preceded Pickett's famous charge. Pickett's men filed through the right of the Crenshaw Battery as they started in the charge, when we had ceased firing.

The Confederate artillery fire was very destructive, and the enemy's caissons were frequently blown up.

After Gettysburg the battery was engaged in affairs of more or less importance at Games' Cross Roads, on July 24, 1863, Shep- herdstown oa September igth, Bristoe Station in October, Rixey- ville on November Qth, Mine Run in December, and then had a resting spell until the spring of 1864, when Grant had been made commander-in-chief of all the Federal armies, and established head- quarters with Meade. Grant first crossed swords with Lee in the Wilderness, May 5, 1864.

SPOTSYLVANIA. On the loth of May, 1864, the battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse