Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 32.djvu/182

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1 70 Southern Historical Society Papers.

well represented by the leadership of such men as Jefferson Davis, Judah P. Benjamin, in genus omne.

After the close of the Civil War Mr. Benjamin at once sought refuge in England. He had not been long in London before he published a work that soon became a most citable and standard law authority. This proved an entering wedge for a most successfully paying law practice. For some years the famous lawyer had an annual income of ,20,000 $100,000. When I first met him he was about 60 years old, then a most active, tireless worker, giving his large practice the closest attention early and late. He was very systematic and painstaking. He always appeared in the courts with his cases well prepared and ready for trial. He did not believe in delays and continuances from term to term; neither did the quib- bles and technicalities of the law find any favor with him.

I was once in his office, when two American heirs so-called of the celebrated Jennings estate called to consult and employ him to represent their interest. In the politest and firm ess manner possible he would not give them a particle of encouragement; he refused to receive a fee, or in any manner represent them in fact, he told them not to spend good money for bad or doubtful and what they could never realize. He earnestly and positively informed them that no so-called American heirs would ever receive a shilling of the Jennings' reputed millions. He laughingly remarked soon after that that they were a fair type of their countrymen " the cleverest and most credulous people ever fashioned by a great and just Creator."

Mr. Benjamin was much sought after by Southern men who vis- ited London. They all took pride in him and his professional suc- cess. They esteemed him for his record before and during the " war between the States." His good standing abroad was the natural result of his great mental abilities, his perseverance and his determination to rebuild his fortunes among his fellows. He knew well enough how to take the world how to capture success. He was ever the same suave, polite, considerate gentleman; the man of business and of affairs; and a lover of his profession and the pol- ished man of the world. He left a grand and just reputation in the new world. He was anything but a shiftless adventurer. He soon found an appreciative market for his large stock of brains and tireless energy.

He was a generous-hearted man in every sense. Many and many a kind act and deed did he perform for his needy countrymen so