Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 35.djvu/309

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The Confederate States Navy.

Hampton Roads, Drewry's Bluff naval battle, steamer Chattahoochie, abroad, steamer Samson, steamer Richmond.

Dr. J. Edward Moyler, Petersburg, Va.—Assistant surgeon C. S. N.; served on steamer Virginia No. 2. J. G. Minnigerode, Louisville, Ky. Served on Mobile Station.

William Pinckney Mason, Rockville, Md.—Born in Virginia; midshipman U. S. N., lieutenant C. S. N.; served on receiving ship United States, steamer Jamestown, battle of Hampton Roads, battery at Hardy's Bluff, naval battle of Drewry's Bluff, steamer Richmond, abroad, steamer Virginia No. 2; wounded by piece of shell.

S. Marco, Darlington, S. C.—Landsman, served in 2nd North Carolina Regiment; transferred to navy, served on steamer Raleigh and at yard, Wilmington, N. C.

W. D. Olivera, Goodall, Fla.—Seaman, served on steamer Resolute.

Roger Pinckney, McPhersonville, S. C.—Midshipman C. S. N., and passed midshipman C. S. N.; served on Savannah Station, Drewry's Bluff, schoolship Patrick Henry and steamer Virginia No. 2.

Thos. C. Pinckney, San Francisco, Cal.—Midshipman C. S. N., and passed midshipman C. S. N.; served with 5th Regiment South Carolina troops; served on receiving ship United States at capture of U. S. gunboat Underwriter, on James River, and captured at battle of Sailor's Creek.

R. L. Page, commander in both U. S. and C. S. Navies, Norfolk, Va. (have heard, but can't verify, that he is dead).—Served at Savannah, Ga., Charlotte, N. C.

Samuel Reynolds, Savannah, Ga.—Enrolled at Louisville Reunion; record in the privateer service was prize-master of the privateer Jeff Davis.

Francis M. Rody, Bakerfield, Cal.—Lieutenant C. S. N.; served naval battery Fort Hindman, Johnson Island expedition, steamer Raleigh, steamer Albemarle in fight at Plymouth, and in the sound, cruiser Chickamauga.

Dabney M. Scales, Memphis, Tenn.—Midshipman U. S. N., lieutenant C. S. N.; served on Savannah Station, ram Arkansas, and in battle with U. S. fleets; in battery at Port Hudson, on steamer Atlanta, aboard steamer Shenandoah.