Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 35.djvu/321

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Federal Atrocities in the Civil War.

subsequently fired upon when within about twelve miles of that place.

"Lieutenant Cunningham was immediately killed, but his death was avenged by a detachment sent out under Major Loomis by your order." War Record 17, part 1, page 55.)

On August 8, 1862, General Granville M. Dodge writes from Trenton, Tenn.: "I believe our policy is to burn up those counties (Dyer, Lauderdale and Hickman). They pay no attention to the oath and feed and guide the rebels." (War record No. 17, part 1, page 30.)

On August 28, 1862, General Gordon Granger reports from Rienzi, Miss.: "Two things are most necessary and important: First, there must be some definite and fixed policy on our part to combat and break up this infernal guerrilla system of theives.

"It is bound soon to waste an entire army away, and for no equivalent. We must push every man, woman and child before us, or put every man to death found in our lines.

"We have, in fact, soon to come to a war of subjugation, and the sooner the better." (War Record No. 17, part i, pages 40 and 41).

The records are full of these instances, but the above are sufficient for illustration. General Jacob H. Smith is undoubtedly cruel, but why should Congress make a scapegoat of him for the sins of the army?

The above-named generals were not only not court-martialed, but were promoted, and one at least received a vote of thanks by Congress.

If we are going to humanize the methods of warfare pursued by our army, let us do it. Beyond question, it ought to be done. But if the old order of things is to continue, then in administering condemnations to the soldiers let us begin at the beginning and condemn all down, the line. We need not go back to the tragic scene on Calvary, as stated by Mr. Sibley, to find a single example in General Jacob H. Smith.

J. P. Young,

Memphis, August 1, 1902.

Editor Confederate Column, Picayune,—Among the incidents mentioned in the article sent you a few days ago was