Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 36.djvu/239

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Desperate Picket Fight.

full run, calling, "Stop that truce." In half an hour the entire command was divided into two columns, and were advancing simultaneously up both sides, and we had to give way. We showed no "white feather." We kept within range, and facing them, giving as compelled.

There was no active demonstration on their part; they came far enough; stayed only long enough to get their wounded and then moved quietly, leaving us in possession of the field with thirty-three prisoners and thirty-five horses.

Our lost was one killed, twelve wounded, and two captured.

General Milroy's quarters were in Mrs. Long's house in Winchester. Her daughter. Miss Mary, a friend of mine and staunch rebel, sent me the following:

"Seeing a number of wounded coming in, I know there has been a fight somewhere. I watched for General Elliott, took the raw cotton plug from the keyhole and listened to his report: Killed, wounded and captured or missing, 227 men.

"I congratulate you. You did more than well. They knew the number and names of the men, which made it harder for you."

He did not know of the Maryland volunteers.

I write by request of the participants now living, still having the report, and of this fight the only one in existence giving us the enemy's loss.

Yours truly


W. A. Conn,

Company C. Seventh Virginia Cavalry, Second Brigade, Second
Division, A. N. V.

Island Ford, Va.