Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 39.djvu/232

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220 Southern Historical Society Papers.

Kims and a great company of men of the best blood and breed- ing MarA'land had to give. There were no better soldiers in that noblest of armies. Separated from their homes, anxious and troubled for those who were left at home, leaving all be- hind them, there were none who made greater sacrifice, and none who endured privations more patiently or faced the perils of the field more courageously, or went more persistently to the end.

Major AIcHenry Howard has accomplished a good work in these later years of his life in giving to a lasting preservation his valuable book, which he has prepared with accuracy and fidelity to historic truth. It is throughout a thrilling narrative, wholly reliable and most engaging in interest from beginning to end.

The Confederate Cause and Conduct in the IVar Between the States. Octavo. $1.50. L. H. Jenkins, Publisher, Allison and Broad Streets, Richmond, Va. This is a collection of papers, reported to the Virginia State Camp of Confederate Veterans by the late Dr. Hunter McGuire and Judge George L. Christian, of the History Committee. They are vital and vigorous presentations of some of the greatest subjects connected with the character and life of the Southern Confederacy; on Slavery Not the Cause of the War, the Right of Secession, the Treatment and Exchange of Prisoners, on the Responsibility for the War, and other fundamental matters. To these papers are added Dr. McGuire's address on Stonewall Jackson, and his narrative of the facts of his wounding. This book is one of the most efi:ective contributions to the defense of the South that has been given to the world. It is warmly commended and wall have a permanent place in the literature of the great debate that is by no means ended.

Official Record of the Union and Confederate Navies. Series I. Volume 26. Naval Forces on Western Waters — March I, to December 31. 1864. Published under the direction of the Hon. Josephus Daniels. Secretary of the Nav'y.