Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 39.djvu/57

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Papers Between Sherman and Johnston.


From the Papers of Col. B. S. Ewell.

Memorandum or basis of agreement made this i8th day of April, A. D., 1865, near Durham's Station in the State of North Carolina, by and between General Joseph E. Johnston, Com- manding the Confederate Army, & Maj. Gen'l. Wm. T. Sher- man, Commanding the Army of the United States in North Carolina, both present:

First. The contending Armies now in the field to maintain the "status quo" until notice is given by the Commanding General of any one to its opponent, and reasonable time, say forty-eight (48) hours, allowed.

Second. The Confederate Armies now in existence to be dis- banded and conducted to their several State Capitols, there to deposit their arms and public property in the State Arsenal ; and each ofificer and man to execute and file an agreement to cease from acts of war and to abide by the action of both State & Federal authority. The number of arms and munitions of war to be reported to the Chief of Ordnance at Washington City, subject to the future action of the Congress of the United States, and in the meantime to be used solely to maintain peace and order within the borders of the States respectively.

Third. The recognition by the Executive of the United States of the several State Governments, on their Officers & Legislatures taking the oaths prescribed by the Constitution of