Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 40.djvu/309

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An Interesting Letter from Col. Henderson.


Author of "Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War."

The well-known criticism of General Longstreet's book by Colonel G. F. R. Henderson, of the British Army, was first published in this country by Captain Frederick M. Colston, of Baltimore.

A military friend brought him the October number of the "Journal of the Royal United Service Institution" which contained this criticism, but anonymously.

General Longstreet's book was then being much discussed, and Captain Colston printed this criticism in a leaflet and distributed it to many military friends.

Among these was Dr. J. William Jones, editor of the Southern Historical Society Papers, and the number of leaflets being exhausted, Dr. Jones asked permission to reprint it and wrote to the editor of the Journal to ask the name of the author, which was given him as Colonel Henderson.

Captain Colston then wrote to Colonel Henderson enclosing a copy of his leaflet with an apology for printing it without his permission, as it was anonymous in the Journal. Colonel Henderson replied in the following letter, which is here published for the first time:

The Staff College, Camberly, England,

June 1st, 1898.

My dear Sir:

I am exceedingly obliged for your very kind letter and enclosures. I am pleased to find that my review on General Longstreet's book is appreciated and found satisfactory by old Con-