Page:Southern India (F.E.Penny).pdf/47

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damaged, but not completely destroyed as was the old Garden House. In 1759 the siege of Madras was raised and the house recovered; but there was no money available for its repair. What money there was had to be spent for other purposes. It was made habitable and that was all.

It was not till the beginning of the nineteenth century that the Governor's residence began to assume its present proportions. The Banqueting Hall was built and additions were made to the house. In 1860 a third story was added and the park considerably enlarged by enclosing a part of the garden that had belonged to the Nawab of the Carnatic.

When the property was first acquired the Triplicane high road extended from the bridge over the river near the house to St. Thome in a direct line. It ran through the park, and its track may be distinguished by the avenue of old trees still standing. The road was diverted into what is now known as the Mount road.

Along that ancient way went the stream of humanity, passing from north to south, or south to north. The Afghan, whose destination was the pearl fishery of Tuticorin, stopped to rest in Triplicane, and obeyed the call to prayer from the