Page:Southern Life in Southern Literature.djvu/535

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library, I found myself so visibly affected by it that my neighbor at the desk glanced at me in surprise, and I had to pull myself sharply together." Kiihn 1st, etc.: bold is the venture, splendid the pay. Gare de Lyon: the terminal station in Paris of the railway from Paris to Lyons. in esse: in being. in posse: in possibility. placida quies: calm repose.

QUESTIONS, i. What two incidents represent the writer s memory of

the war? 2. What does he consider the real issue causing the war? 3. What was the attitude of the Southern people on that issue?



This selection is an extract from an article entitled "Dominant Forces in Southern Life," which originally appeared in the Atlantic Monthly for January, 1907. Squire Western: a pleasure-loving country gentleman, a creation of Fielding in "Tom Jones." Squire Allworthy: another character in Fielding s "Tom Jones." Colonel Hutchinson: John Hutchinson, a Puritan soldier who, in the Great Rebellion, fought against the Royal ists. Zeitgeist: spirit of the age. had a philosopher for god father: the allusion is to the fact that John Locke, the eminent English philosopher, drew up a scheme for the management of the colony of North Carolina. " dipping ": a colloquial expression for taking snuff.

QUESTIONS, i. What are the characteristic differences between the

Southern states as here set forth? 2. Test the validity of the writer s statements by your own experience. Would you modify them in any way?


Despite the fact that in the literature of the new South prose has increased its lead on poetry, yet in this period poetry makes an im pressive showing. By the year 1875 the beginning of the South s new development most of the antebellum writers either were dead or had come to a standstill in their work, the most notable exception being Paul Hamilton Hayne. Although well past middle life at the close of the war, he maintained such a steady and persistent stream of