Page:Southern Life in Southern Literature.djvu/546

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This list aims at giving the more important books useful in the fur ther study of Southern literature. References to histories of American literature and to collections of selections from American writers have been omitted, though nearly all the standard works in these fields treat to some extent Southern writers. Neither have editions and biographies of individual authors been included except for some very special reason. Fuller bibliographies may be found in Moses " The Literature of the South " and in Alderman and Kent s "Library of Southern Literature."


BROWN, W. G. The Lower South in American History.

CHANDLER, J. A. C, and others. The South in the Building of the

Nation, 1 2 vols.

CURRY, J. L. M. The Southern States their Relation to the Con

stitution and to the Union.

DODD, W. E. Statesmen of the Old South.

HART, A. B. The Southern South.

MURPHY, E. G. The Present South.

MURPHY, E. G. The Basis for Ascendency.

PAGE, T. N. The Old South.

PAGE, T. N. Social Life in Virginia.

PAGE, T. N. The Old Dominion: her Making and her Manners.

PAGE, W. H. The Rebuilding of Old Commonwealths.

RHODES, J. F. History of the United States (1850-1877), 8 vols.

TRENT, W. P. Southern Statesmen of the Old Regime.

WILSON, W. History of the American People.

WILSON, W. Division and Reunion (1829-1889).