Page:Spaewife, or, Universal fortune-teller (3).pdf/10

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There are five principle lines in the hand, viz.

The Line of Life, or Life Line as it is here called.
The Line of Death.
The Table Line
The Girdle of Venus.
The Line of Fortune.

And besides these there are other Lines, as the Line of Saturn; the Liver Line, and some others, but these only serve to explain the principal Lines.

The chief Lines on which persons of the profession lay the greatest stress, is the Line of Life, or the Life Line, as it is here called, which generally takes its rise where the thumb joint plays with the wrist on the inside; and runs in an oblique direction to the inside of the innermost joint of the fore-finger.

The next is the Line of Death which separates the fleshy part of the hand on the little finger side, from the hollow on the hand, running in various directions in different people.

The Table Line originates with the Life Line, at the wrist, and runs through the hollow of the band towards the middle finger.

The Girdle of Venus takes its course from the extremity of the innermost joint of the little finger, and forming a curve, terminates between the fore and middle fingers

The Line of Fortune strikes from behind the ball, or mount of the fore finger, across the palm and Line of Life, and looses itself in or near the fleshy part of the hand on the little finger side.

If the Line of Life is crossed by other Lines at or near the wrist, the person will meet with sickness in the beginning of life, and the degree of sickness will be proportioned to the size, length, and breadth of the intervening lines. If the Life Line runs fair and uninterrupted, the person will enjoy good health; and according to its length towards the