Page:Spaewife, or, Universal fortune-teller (3).pdf/12

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near the ends, prove that the persons were, or will be susceptible of love in childhood, or old age.

If the hollow palm of the hand: which some call the Plain of Mars, is full of cross lines running into each other, the person will be of a humorsome, uneven, and testy temper, jealous and hasty, quarrelsome and fighting, and endeavouring to set others by the ears; he will meet with very frequent misfortunes, and bear them very uneasily; whereas, if the hollow or palm of the hand has none but the unavoidable lines, that is to say, those that must unavoidably pass through it, he will be of a sweet and amiable disposition, full of sensibility, gratitude, and love, faithful, benevolent, and kind; and though subject to losses, crosses, and disappointments, will bear them with an even and agreeable temper; from this part chiefly, it is recommended to persons to chuse their companions for life, either for friendship or marriage.

The mount or ball of the thumb, bears a particular analogy to the events of a person's life, with respect to disputes, quarrels and lawsuits; if this mount has many long strait lines reaching from the thumb to the Line of Life, they show that the person will have several personal encounters; either with hands, clubs, pistols or swords; but if the lines are curved and crooked, they will indicate lawsuits, and according to the degree of crookedness, they will be long or short: but if these lines end in a straight direction towards the line of life, they will end prosperously, whether encounter or lawsuits if otherwise, they will be attended with an unfavourable issue; the nearer to the line of life these lines begin, the later in a person's life the quarrels or law-suits will take place; and the nearer to the line of life they end, the later in life they will terminate.