Page:Spaewife, or, universal fortune teller.pdf/11

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be accurately represented, and it is quite sufficient if they bear some resemblance to any of the following emblems.

The Roads.

The roads or serpentine lines indicate ways; if they are covered with clouds, they are said to be nfallible marks of either past or future reverses. If they appear clear and serene, they are a sure token of some fortunate chance near at hand ; when encompassed with very many dots, they signify an accidental gain of money, likewise long life.

The Ring.

The ring signifies marriage; if a letter is near it, it denotes to the person the initial letter of the name of the party to be married. Likewise, if the ring is in a clear part, it portends happy and lucrative friendship. When surrounded with clouds, it shows that the person should use caution in the friendship he is about to contract. If the ring appears at the bottom of the cup, it forebodes an entire separation from the beloved object.

The Leaf of Clover.

The leaf of clover is here, as well as in ordinary life, a lucky sign. Its different position in the cup alone makes the difference ; because, if it is on the top it shows that good fortune is not far distant ; but it is subject to delay if it is in the middle or at the bottom. Should clouds surround it, it shows that much disagreeableness will attend the good fortune ; if it is in a clear part, it prognosticates serene and undisturbed happiness, as bright as the party could wish.

The Anchor.

The anchor of hope and commerce implies successful business carried on by sea and land, if on the bottom of the cup. At the top, and in the clear part, it shows