Page:Spaewife, or, universal fortune teller.pdf/7

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Those that have one lip thicker than the other are of little understanding, slow to comprehend, and rather guilty of folly than wisdom.

The Ears.

Great, big, broad ears signify a simple man, of no understanding; sluggish, slothful, and of a bad memory.

Small ears denote good understanding, but very small ears signify nothing but mischief.

Those that have them long and thin, are bold, impudent, unlearned, gluttons, and very proud in general.

Those that have them well proportioned, and neither too small or too large, are persons of good understanding, wise, discreet, honest, shame-faced and courageous.

The Face in General.

The face that is round, plump, and ruddy, shows the person to be of an agreeable temper, well deserving of friendship, and faithful in love.

A face with very prominent cheek bones, thin and long visage, shows a restless disposition, and rarely satisfied with anything.

A face naturally pale, denotes the person very amorous.

Blue eyes are mostly to be depended on for fidelity, though there is never a rule without an exception, for many who are blue-eyed are capable of bad deeds.

Dark eyes are generally suspicious, artful, and proud to deceit.

A very fair person is in general, indifferent, proud, neglectful to please, and though amorous, is to haughty to let the world believe they would think it worth the trouble.

A countenance tolerably pleasant and well formed, with dark-brown hair, may be depended upon for fidelity.