Page:Spanish Constitution.djvu/26

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Constitució Espanyola

Section 127

1. Judges and magistrates as well as public prosecutors, whilst actively in office, may not hold other public office nor belong to political parties or unions. The law shall make provision for the system and methods of professional association for judges, magistrates and prosecutors.
2. The law shall make provision for the system of incompatibilities for members of the Judicial Power, which must ensure their total independence.

Economy and Finance

Section 128

1. The entire wealth of the country in its different forms, irrespective of ownership, shall be subordinated to the general interest.
2. Public initiative in economic activity is recognized. Essential resources or services may be reserved by law to the public sector especially in the case of monopolies. Likewise, State intervention in companies may be imposed when the public interest so demands.

Section 129

1. The law shall establish the forms of participation of the persons concerned in Social Security and in the activities of those public bodies whose operation directly affects quality of life or general welfare.
2. The public authorities shall efficiently promote the various forms of participation in the enterprise and shall encourage cooperative societies by means of appropriate legislation. They shall also establish means to facilitate access by workers to ownership of the means of production.

Section 130

1. The public authorities shall promote the modernization and development of all economic sectors and, in particular, of agriculture, livestock raising, fishing and handicrafts, in order to bring the standard of living of all Spaniards up to the same level.
2. For the same purpose, special treatment shall be given to mountain areas.

Section 131

1. The State shall be empowered to plan general economic activity by an act in order to meet collective needs, to balance and harmonize regional and sectorial development and to stimulate the growth of income and wealth and their more equitable distribution.
2. The Government shall draft planning projects in accordance with forecasts supplied by Self governing Communities and with the advice and cooperation of unions and other professional, employers' and financial organizations. A council shall be set up for this purpose, whose membership and duties shall be laid down by the law.

Section 132

1. The law shall lay down the rules governing public and communal property, on the basis that it shall be inalienable, exempt from prescription and cannot be attached under any circumstances, and it shall also provide for the case of disaffectation from public purpose.
2. The goods of the State's public property shall be that established by law and shall, in any case, include the foreshore beaches, territorial waters and the natural resources of the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf.
3. The State's Domain and the National Heritage, as well as their administration, protection and preservation, shall be regulated by law.

Section 133

1. The primary power to raise taxes is vested exclusively in the State by means of law.
2. Self governing Communities and local Corporations may impose and levy taxes, in accordance with the

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