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the principles of equality and progressive taxation, which in no case shall be of a confiscatory scope.

Public expenditure2. Public expenditure shall make an equitable allocation of public resources, and its programming and execution shall comply with criteria of efficiency and economy.

3. Personal or property contributions for public purposes may only be imposed in accordance with the law.

Section 32

Marriage14, 39, 149.1.8. C1. Man and woman have the right to marry with full legal equality.

2. The law shall make provision for the forms of marriage, the age and capacity for concluding it, the rights and duties of the spouses, the grounds for separation and dissolution, and their effects.

Section 33

Private property1.1, 9.2, 14, 38, 53, 128, 131, 132 C1. The right to private property and inheritance is recognised.

Social function of private property2. The social function of these rights shall determine the limits of their content in accordance with the law.

Compulsory aquisition3. No one may be deprived of his or her property and rights, except on justified grounds of public utility or social interest and with a proper compensation in accordance with the law.

Section 34

Foundations22, 33, 53 C1. The right to set up foundations for purposes of general interest is recognised in accordance with the law.

2. The provisions of subsections 2 and 4 of section 22 shall also be applicable to foundations.