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has not been appointed, the father or the mother shall be guardian, as long as they remain widowed. In default thereof, the guardian shall be appointed by the Cortes Generales, but the offices of Regent and Guardian may not be held by the same person, except by the father, mother or direct ancestors of the King.

2. Exercise of the guardianship is also incompatible with the holding of any office or political representation.

Section 61

Proclamation and constitutional oath12, 59, 72.2, 74.1 C1. The King, on being proclaimed before the Cortes Generales, will swear to faithfully carry out his duties, to obey the Constitution and the laws and ensure that they are obeyed, and to respect the rights of citizens and the Self-governing Communities.

Proclamation and oath of Crown Prince and Regent2. The Crown Prince, on coming of age, and the Regent or Regents, on assuming office, will swear the same oath as well as that of loyalty to the King.

Section 62

King's functionsIt is incumbent upon the King:

91 Ca) To sanction and promulgate the laws.

68, 69, 115 C, 1 SO, 92, 151.1 and 2, 152.2, 167, 168, Trans. Prov. 4 Cb) To summon and dissolve the Cortes Generales and to call for elections under the terms provided for in the Constitution.

99, 112-114 C, 170-179 SOc) To call for a referendum in the cases provided for in the Constitution.

100 Cd) To propose a candidate for President of the Government and, as the case may be, appoint him or her or remove him or her from office, as provided in the Constitution.

e) To appoint and dismiss members of the Government on the President of the Government's proposal.

97 Cf) To issue the decrees approved in the Council of Ministers, to confer civil and military