Page:Spanish Constitution of 1978 English translation.pdf/35

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Section 75

Plenary meetings and committees40-55 SO 72 C 148-149 SO1. The Houses shall convene in Plenary sittings and in Committees.

Delegation of legislative power to committees2. The Houses may delegate to Standing Legislative Committees the approval of Government or non-governmental bills. However, the Plenary sitting may at any time demand that any Government or non-governmental bill that has been so delegated be debated and voted upon by the Plenary itself.

Exceptions to delegation3. Excluded from the provisions of the foregoing paragraph are constitutional reform, international affairs, organic acts, acts of basic principles and the Budget.

Section 76

Committees of Enquiry72, 75, 117.3, 124.1 C1. The Congress and the Senate and, when appropriate, both Houses jointly, may appoint enquiry committees on any matter of public interest. Their conclusions shall not be binding on the Courts, nor shall they affect judicial decisions, 52 SObut the results of investigations may be referred to the Public Prosecutor for the exercise of appropriate action whenever necessary.

Compulsory attendance before enquiry committees2. It shall be compulsory to appear when summoned by the Houses. The law shall regulate penalties to be imposed for failure to comply with this obligation.

Section 77

Peticions addressed to either House of Parliament29 C1. The Houses may receive individual and collective petitions, always in writing; 49 SOdirect submission by citizens' demonstrations is prohibited.

Referal of petitions to Government2. The Houses may refer such petitions to the Government. The Government shall provide an explanation regarding their content, when required to do so by the Houses.