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by Parilament for entering into certain treatiesor agreement, shall require prior authorization of the Cortes Generales in the following cases:

155-1 58, Final Prov. 3 SOa) Treaties of a political nature.

b) Treaties or agreements of a military nature.

c) Treaties or agreements affecting the territorial integrity of the State or the fundamental rights and duties established under Part 1.

d) Treaties or agreements which imply financial liabilities for the Public Treasury.

e) Treaties or agreements which involve amendment or repeal of some law or require legislative measures for their execution.

Houses of Parliament to be kept informed159 SO2. The Congress and the Senate shall be informed forthwith of the conclusion of any other treaties or agreements.

Section 95

Prior constituional amendment9.1, 93-94, 161.1 d) C1. The conclusion of an international treaty containing stipulations contrary to the Constitution shall require prior constitutional amendment.

157 SO2. The Government or either House may request the Constitutional Court to declare whether or not such a contradiction exists.

Section 96

Reception of treaties in domestic law9, 10.2 C1. Validly concluded international treaties, once officially published in Spain, shall be part of the internal legal system. Their provisions may only be repealed, amended or suspended in the manner provided for in the treaties themselves or in accordance with the general rules of international law.

Denunciation of treaties94 C 160 SO2. The procedure provided for in section 94 for entering into international treaties and agreements shall be used for denouncing them.