Page:Spanish Constitution of 1978 English translation.pdf/49

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113, 114, 116.5, 168.1 Cpose the dissolution of the Congress, the Senate or the Cortes Generales, which shall be proclaimed by the King. The decree of dissolution shall set a date for the elections.

22, 207 SO2. The proposal for dissolution may not be submitted while a motion of censure is pending.

3. There shall be no further dissolution until a year has elapsed since the previous one, except as provided for in section 99, subsection 5.

Section 116

8.1, 55, 66.2, 78, 102, 108, 115, 117.5 169 C
162-165 SO
1. An organic act shall make provision for the states of alarm, emergency and siege (martial law) and the powers and restrictions attached to each of them.

State of alarm2. A state of alarm shall be proclaimed by the Government, by means of a decree agreed in Council of Ministers, for a maximum period of fifteen days. The Congress shall be informed and must meet immediately, and without its authorization the said period may not be extended. The decree shall specify the territory to which the effects of the proclamation apply.

State of emergency3. A state of emergency shall be proclaimed by the Government by decree agreed in Council of Ministers, after prior authorization by the Congress. The authorization for and proclamation of a state of emergency must specifically state the effects thereof, the territory to which it is to apply and its duration, which may not exceed thirty days, subject to extension for a further thirty-day period, with the same requirements.

State of siege (marial law)4. A state of siege (martial law) shall be proclaimed by overall majority of Congress solely on the Government's proposal. Congress shall determine its territorial extension, duration and terms.