Page:Spanish Constitution of 1978 English translation.pdf/51

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4. Judges and courts shall not exercise any powers other than those indicated in the foregoing subsection and those which are expressly allocated to them by law as a guarantee of any right.

Jurisdictional unity8, 116 C5. The principle of jurisdictional unity is the basis of the organization and operation of the courts. The law shall make provision for the exercise of military jurisdiction strictly within military framework and in cases of state of siege (martial law), in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.

No courts of exception26 C6. Courts of exception are prohibited.

Section 118

Binding force of judicial decisions9, 106, 117 CIt is compulsory to comply with sentences and other final resolutions of judges and courts, as well as to pay them such assistance as they may require in the course of trials and for the execution of judgments.

Section 119

Legal aid free1.1, 9.2, 24.1, 117 CJustice shall be free when thus provided for by law, and shall in any case be so in respect of those who have insufficient means to sue in court.

Section 120

Publicity of proceedings1.1, 9.3, 24, 117, 118 C1. Judicial proceedings shall be public, with the exceptions specified in the laws on procedure.

Proceedings to be oral2. Proceedings shall be predominantly oral, especially in criminal cases.

Statement for reasons of decision3. Judgments shall always specify the grounds therefore, and they shall be delivered in a public hearing.

Section 121

Judicial error9.3, 106.2, 117, 122.1 CDamages caused by judicial error as well as those arising from irregularities in the administration of justice shall give rise to a right to