Page:Spanish Constitution of 1978 English translation.pdf/53

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Section 124

Public Prosecutor1, 9, 117 C1. The Office of Public Prosecutor, without prejudice to functions entrusted to other bodies, has the task of promoting the operation of justice in the defence of the rule of law, of citizens' rights and of the public interest as safeguarded by the law, whether ex officio or at the request of interested parties, as well as that of protecting the independence of the courts and securing before them the satisfaction of social interest.

2. The Office of Public Prosecutor shall discharge its duties through its own bodies in accordance with the principles of unity of operation and hierarchical subordination, subject in all cases to the principles of the rule of law and of impartiality.

3. The organic statute of the Office of the Public Prosecutor shall be laid down by law.

State's public Prosecutor122.2 C4. The State's Public Prosecutor shall be appointed by the King on the Government's proposal after consultation with the General Council of the Judicial Power.

Section 125

Popular action, Jury23, 105 a), b), 117, 122 CCitizens may engage in popular action and take part in the administration of justice through the institution of the jury, in the manner and with respect to those criminal trials as may be determined by law, as well as in customary and traditional courts.

Section 126

Judiciary Police104, 117, 122, 124 CThe judicial police shall report to the judges, the courts and the Public Prosecutor when discharging their duties of crime investigation and the discovery and arrest of offenders, under the terms to be laid down by the law.

Section 127

Judges and magistrates6, 7, 23.2, 28, 70.1 d), 117, 122, 124.3 C1. Judges and magistrates as well as public prosecutors, whilst actively in office, may