Page:Spanish Constitution of 1978 English translation.pdf/81

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b) In the event that the initiative for the obtention of autonomy status should not be successful for non-compliance with the requirements of section 143.

c) If the relevant body has not exercised the right recognised in the First Transitional Provision within a period of three years.


Government and Houses of Parliament in office at commencement of the Constitution66, 68.4, 69.6 C1. Once the present Constitution has come into force, the Houses that have adopted it shall assume the functions and powers set out therein for the Congress and the Senate respectively. Provided that under no circumstances shall their term of office continue beyond June 15, 1981.

98.2, 99, 101.1 and 2; 115 C2. With regard to the provisions of section 99, the promulgation of the Constitution shall be considered as creating the constitutional basis for the subsequent application of those provisions. To this end, there shall be a thirty day period, as from the date of the promulgation, for implementing the provisions contained in said section.

During this period, the current President of the Government assuming the functions and powers vested by the Constitution for this office, may decide to use the authority conferred by section 115 or, through resignation, leave the way open for application of section 99. In the latter case, the situation as regards the President shall be that provided in subsection 2 of section 101.

12, 68, 69, 70, 115 C3. In the event of dissolution, in accordance with section 115, and if the provisions contained in sections 68 and 69 have not been enacted, the rules previously in force shall apply to the ensueing elections, except for causes of ineligibility and incompatibilities, to which section 70, subsection 1, paragraph b), of this Constitution shall be directly applicable,