Page:Special 301 Report 2001.pdf/35

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  • Dominican Republic adopted a new copyright law designed to meet TRIPS requirements.
  • In a bilateral exchange of letters following consultations, the Bahamas committed to amend its Copyright Act and regulations to narrow the scope of its compulsory licensing regime in accordance with its international obligations.
  • Armenia's accession to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works became effective on October 19.
  • Jordan signed a Free Trade Agreement with the United States, which builds on Jordan's implementation of the TRIPS Agreement.
  • Armenia became a party to the Madrid Protocol, effective October 19.
  • Singapore became a party to the Madrid Protocol, effective October 31.


  • China's State Council approved a new draft copyright law designed to meet TRIPS requirements on November 22. It has been transmitted to the National People's Congress for its review.
  • Ireland adopted new copyright legislation that provides deterrent penalties in accordance with the TRIPS Agreement. As a result of this legislation, Ireland and the United States notified the WTO that a mutually satisfactory solution to their copyright case has been reached.
  • Oman acceded to the WTO, and as part of this process, Oman revised its intellectual property laws to comply with the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement.
  • Croatia acceded to the WTO, and as part of this process, Croatia revised its intellectual property laws to comply with the provisions of the TRIPS Agreement.
  • Colombia joins the Patent Cooperation Treaty.


  • China's Supreme People's Court issued its "Interpretation of Laws on Solving Online Copyright Dispute," which became effective December 20th. The interpretations are designed to protect the on-line environment from rampant piracy.
  • Andean Community Decision 486, designed to meet TRIPS requirements related to patents and protection of test data, took effect on December 1.