Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/108

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The Writings of

writing a correspondence [letter] to the Milwaukee Sentinel about the effect of my speeches and the manner in which they were understood there.

Where is General [Henry] Wilson's letter? I fear it will come too late, if it does come at all. The press almost unanimously sets him down as an opponent of the amendment, and he cannot back out. Why does he hold back? He can gain only by a straightforward and manly course. Do all you can to make him step forward boldly.

The West stands on tiptoe; the eyes of the people are fixed on Massachusetts and her action one way or the other will have an immense influence. The matter is being discussed here with the greatest interest and the excitement is increasing every day.

The responsibility of Massachusetts is awful, and I have no words strong enough to make you comprehend its full extent. Will the Republicans be patriotic enough to sacrifice their little prejudices to the welfare of our great cause? Will they at last learn that our principles cannot be victorious unless they are clear, pure and consistent?—that by trades and bargains we are bound to lose our honor and the victory at the same time? I read Massachusetts papers as often as I can get hold of one. They are almost silent on the subject. I understand that your great article has appeared in the Worcester Spy. How does it work? Has it acquired a sufficient circulation? I wish I could instil my zeal and activity into every true Republican heart. Where so much depends on a single vote, every man who has a just notion of his duty ought to stand by his gun.

Would it not be good now to publish the letter I wrote you some time ago, in full or the principal part of it? I do not care whether it compromises me here or not. The result in Massachusetts is of far greater importance. This, however, I leave to your judgment.