Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/147

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Carl Schurz

a new ground to place their batteries upon. Thus the thing was done. Meanwhile we have to rally for a new battle. The Democrats are no stronger than they were before, and, whatever may have happened, the State is sure for the Chicago nominee by an increased majority.

You have heard of our municipal election here. We have made large inroads upon the Democracy, and if our Republicans had believed in the possibility of victory, victory would have been ours. The whole work was done by a few young men. The old stagers did not move. I venture to predict that, if Douglas is not nominated at Charleston and the Chicago Convention gives us a good Republican candidate, Milwaukee will give us a majority next fall, and the Second ward will be the Republican banner ward of the city. Seward stock is rising in the West. Bates may have gained a little by his letter, but he will not get the foreign vote. I think that Seward stands the best chance, but, if he should fail to get the nomination, Lincoln's and Wade's prospects are the next best.

Give my best regards to Washburn and Doolittle. I shall reply to their letters as soon as I can find time. You have won golden opinions by your defense of the freedom of debate. Lovejoy and yourself did nobly. Your two or three sentences and determined action were better than a long and eloquent speech.

As to your running for Congress again next fall I think you will hardly escape the nomination and we shall reëlect you as a matter of course. How they feel in the rural districts I do not know, but I suppose it is all the same way. It would be difficult to unite upon any other man, and now, more than ever before, we want Representatives who stand their ground.