Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/205

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Carl Schurz

to New York at once to call upon Mr. Hutchins if my lecturing appointments in this neighborhood did not make it impossible for me to do so. I shall, however, address him a note and try to go to New York City on Jan. 5th. Meanwhile I return you my sincerest thanks for the pains you have taken on my behalf.

I do not see, why I should not “find it consistent with my views of propriety” to give you the facts in regard to McClure's statements. When the campaign commenced, it was generally supposed that my services were needed, and I considered it my duty to devote all my time to the work before us. I did so from the very day the National Convention adjourned down to the day of the election. My correspondence and my active participation in the contest swallowed up every minute of my time, and I had to let my private affairs, disordered as they were, take care of themselves. The demands made upon me were enormous and I did my best to satisfy them. The chairman of the National Committee wrote me that I should consider myself in the service of the Committee. I wrote Governor Morgan a letter stating that it would be hard for me to devote all my time to the canvass without some remuneration, being in straitened circumstances, partly in consequence of sacrifices made for the party; and some time afterwards I addressed a note to Mr. Goodrich, the financial manager of the National Committee, making the same statement, but adding that, if nothing were done, I should try to do my work anyhow the best way I could. Situated as I was, embarrassed, with a family to support, obliged to neglect my business and private affairs, I think I had a right to demand something, and it was my duty to do so. Well, I went through the campaign, travelled over 21,000 miles from the adjournment of the National Convention to the sixth of November, delivered I do not know how many speeches, and