Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/230

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The Writings of

setts convention. I agree with you on every point and expect shortly to fight by your side.

Mr. Perry[1] has shown me the letter he mailed to you on the 11th inst. It does honor to his heart. Since he has advised you of what I have done and asked you to take an interest in this matter, I think it due you that you should know all. I have no doubt the President will show you the letter I addressed to him. These lines will furnish you the commentary.

Looking at the ensemble of our affairs, the state of the case seems to me utterly desperate; and what makes matters worse, a large majority of the people and the Government seem to indulge in the most unwarrantable delusions as to the means by which the rebellion can be overcome. Suppose our armies to be numerous and good, our resources to be ample, the spirit of the people to be most enthusiastic; suppose even we win victories in the field—and yet all these things are not sufficient to overbalance the immense advantage of the defensive position of the Confederates. Six or eight months ago it might have been possible to bring about a reaction in the South by a rapid succession of victories. That is now out of the question. The Union feeling in the seceding States is not only paralyzed but I fear almost exterminated. For a year they have practically maintained their independence; they not only love it but are already accustomed to it. We are already regarded as foreign enemies, even by many of those who originally did not desire the dissolution of the Union. Our Government has shown itself unable to protect the Unionists of the South; nothing more natural than that they should consider themselves released of their obligation towards that Government; a few determined spirits always excepted, but they stand

  1. Horatio J. Perry, secretary of Legation at Madrid.