Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 1.djvu/81

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Carl Schurz

Brewer, one of the richest men of Boston, and the dinner was one of the most sumptuous affairs I ever attended. When I return home, I will give you as much of the menu as I can remember; it suffices to say to-day, that we sat at table from six until ten o clock and that, during all this time, course after course and wine after wine were served. The company was not especially numerous, but in quality it surpassed any I have yet seen in America. Of men of letters, there were Longfellow, Whipple and Holmes; of politicians, Governor Banks, Senator Wilson, Burlingame, Allen, Adams (son of John Quincy Adams), Andrew and a number of Congressmen. I must describe the conversation orally. Longfellow and I had a long talk about Germany, and we intend to continue it as soon as I have leisure to accept his invitation to his home in Cambridge. On returning from the dinner, I found a lot of cards, which will fill my time with social matters for some days to come. Have no fear that I shall overwork here; if I am only left in peace long enough to think out the details of my speech sufficiently before Monday! This morning I was taken possession of immediately and dragged through the town. I was allowed only between three and four hours for writing. Fortunately, it is raining and I hope to be left to myself until dinner to-morrow. I live like Hannibal in Capua. Luckily, this sort of thing is not to continue long. Have you ever experienced how much a dinner can tire one? I am as tired out as if I had accomplished a vast amount of labor, and I have, in fact, done great things at table. Oh, Boston is a wonderful city, too good to be lived in!

April 15th, morning.

I am up early, gay as a lark and looking forward with delight to the coming day and to the task which I have