Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 3.djvu/274

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The Writings of

appointed at this meeting, so that efficient coöperation may become possible. Let no effort be spared in bringing the influence of a patriotic public opinion to bear upon those who in the customary way are soon to nominate the party candidates; and then, in any event, let us be ready to do what the best interests of the Republic demand.

Our generation has to open the second century of our National life, as the Fathers opened the first. Theirs was the work of independence, ours is the work of reformation. The one is as vital now as the other was then. Now, as then, every true American must have the courage to do his duty.

Carl Schurz, Missouri, Chairman. 
Martin Brimmer, Massachusetts. 
L. F. S. Foster, Connecticut.
Parke Godwin, New York.
John W. Hoyt, Wisconsin.


Fort Washington, Pa., June 21, 1876.

I regret now more than ever that I did not have the pleasure of becoming personally acquainted with you last fall in the Ohio campaign, but I hope you will not consider it an intrusion if I address you with that confidence and frankness with which one gentleman may speak to another. I desire to submit to you some suggestions concerning the coming contest. Here and there the opinion is expressed that your victory is already won. I am sure your own political experience does not permit you to regard as certain what is still subject to the chances of war. When examining the relative conditions of

  1. Then governor of Ohio and Republican candidate for the Presidency.