Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 3.djvu/431

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Carl Schurz

This morning I was called upon by a Mr. Bailey from Michigan, introduced to me by Mr. Ferry, a brother of the President of the Senate. He told me of a scheme gotten up by Chandler to have Senator Christiancy appointed to the Supreme Bench in Davis's place, so as to reopen his, Chandler's, way back to the Senate. Mr. Bailey represented that such a thing would cause a great row among the Republicans in Michigan, and wanted to solicit my influence with you against it. I told him that it was too early to promise any influence for or against anything, and that I thought you would not be in a hurry to dispose of such matters, that you would undoubtedly give them all the consideration they deserved, and then decide such cases upon high principles. He desired very much to talk to you about it, and as I thought you would probably desire to know that side of the story in season, I gave him a note of introduction. I had heard of Mr. Bailey before as a good man.

Assuring you once more of my gratitude for the friendly sentiments expressed in your letter, I remain

Sincerely yours.

Columbus, O., Feb. 27, 1877.

I am very glad to get your note of yesterday. Your choice of Department is also my choice for you.

I should be delighted to have you go with us to W[ashington] if we are declared elected before we start. But I do not want my selection of Cabinet advisers known until that result is announced. I will despatch you as to train. In case of a favorable decision Wednesday, we start about noon Thursday. If no favorable decision is reached Wednesday, we do not start until in the night of Thursday. My idea is to leave undecided, or rather uncommitted, some places until I reach W.--