Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 4.djvu/272

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The Writings of

made to States, but really with a specific road in view, and that all legislation concerning those land-grant roads made to States for railroad purposes always directly affected the interests of the roads concerned. That he knew this is clear from the language in his own letters. It is therefore, I repeat, not one of Mr. Blaine's enemies, but Mr. Blaine himself, who has proved out of his own mouth that when he made this explanation in the House of Representatives he knew it to be untrue.

The second point alleged by Mr. Blaine in his own defense is that he did not get any favor from those railroad men that was not open to anybody else; that is to say, properly speaking, no real favor at all. He declared solemnly before the House of Representatives that he bought his Little Rock bonds and stocks “at precisely the same rates as others paid,” or, in the language of Mr. Blaine's warmest friend and spokesman, “as they were sold on the Boston market to all applicants.” Here again Mr. Blaine has to face his own tell-tale letters. What did that gush of gratitude mean when he wrote to Mr. Fisher: “Your offer to admit me to a participation in the new railroad enterprise is in every respect as generous as I could expect or desire”; “of course I am more than satisfied with the terms of the offer; I think it a most liberal proposition”? Did it mean: “Oh, Mr. Fisher, how generous you are in letting me have some bonds and stocks 'at precisely the same rates as others pay'; it is such a liberal proposition”? What did it mean when he wrote further: “You spoke of Mr. Caldwell's offer to dispose of a share of his interest to me; I wish he would make the proposition definite, so that I could know just what to depend on”? And again: “I am bothered by only one thing, and that is definite and expressed arrangements with Mr. Caldwell. I am anxious to acquire the interest he has promised me.” Did this mean that Mr.