Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 4.djvu/323

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Carl Schurz

the first three months, perhaps in the first thirty days after your inauguration. The crucial test will not be the tariff question; for that, I am confident, will settle itself more easily than many people now suppose. But, it is the civil service question which will present itself for decision at once, and unless decided rightly, will continue to harass you without ceasing. If you decide it rightly and firmly stick to the decision, it will stay decided, and your Administration will mark one of the most important turning-points in our political development,—so important indeed, and so salutary in its significance that to stand in history identified with it might satisfy the ambition of any man. A failure would of course be all the more deplorable as opportunities so great occur but rarely.

Will you pardon me for speaking thus freely in a letter of congratulation? Having the fullest confidence in your high purposes I thought you would not take it amiss. You can easily understand that I should feel a very deep interest in your success, and I need scarcely say that I most heartily wish your Administration may become the greatest possible honor to yourself and the greatest possible blessing to our country. If I can serve you in any way as a private citizen I shall be glad to do so. From this time on you will be approached by few men who can candidly say that they do not want from you something or other for themselves or their friends. As one of these few I might sometimes find occasion to speak to you perhaps more frankly than others differently interested, and to venture now and then upon a suggestion or the communication of some piece of experience not likely to come from those usually pressing around men in power. I would do this, of course, only if agreeable to you and without any inclination to intrude. And I wish to assure you also that whatever may come from me in this way may be