Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 4.djvu/496

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The Writings of

speak with a positiveness calculated to produce a greater effect than a mere expression of confidence would have.

New York, Oct. 27, 1886.

I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 26th inst. In reply I can only repeat . . . that I was nominated for mayor without my knowledge, that I was not asked to give any pledge of any kind whatever, by Tammany Hall, or the County Democracy, or by anybody else, and that I have made no other pledge and shall make no other as to the administration of the office, except that I will discharge its duties to the best of my ability, without fear or favor and in the interests of the whole people and not for the benefit of any political party. I do not know how I can make this declaration any stronger, but I would do so if I could. While you only ask a reply for your own personal use, you are at liberty to read or publish the [this] letter in any way you see fit. . . .


New York, Nov. 19, 1886.

I am glad to know that you approve of the closing chapter [of Henry Clay] as it stands. I am especially anxious that there should be no mistakes as to facts and dates in the book. I have, indeed, been careful to verify everything—at least I think I have. But I may have, here and there, depended too much upon my memory, and thus some little errors may have slipped in. I should be especially obliged to you for advising me if, in reading the proof, anything of a doubtful nature should occur to you.