Page:Speeches, correspondence and political papers of Carl Schurz, Volume 4.djvu/540

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The Writings of

whether such a thing can be done, but I thought I might at least try. If you think it cannot be done, do not hesitate to tell me so. I know your friendship too well to doubt your willingness to serve me, under any circumstances. I need not add that, in case it can be done, I shall use the privilege accorded to me with the utmost discretion. It is my ambition to make that historical work worthy of its subject, and thus to render a little service to the American people.


New York, April 3, 1888.

Accept my heartfelt thanks for that gorgeous passport and the very kind letters of recommendation. I have no doubt they will help me greatly if anything can be done at all.[1]

I thank you also for the kind things you say of my little speech on the dead Kaiser. It has not been printed in pamphlet form, and I must confess, I do not know why it should be, as it is a mere ephemeral. There was a good deal of curiosity here as to what I, an old “forty-eighter,” would have to say about an Emperor, and about the very man, too, who in South Germany commanded the Prussian troops against us, and who was at that period the best hated of all the German princes. The curious people found to their surprise how easy it is to overcome such an apparent embarrassment of situation, by simply telling the truth.

If I can do anything for you in Europe, please let me know. . . . I do not expect to be back before the latter part of September, unless the Republicans nominate

  1. About getting access to foreign archives.